Best Pharmacy college in Bahraichl

CINPC College

अगर आप भी 12th क्लास के बाद अपना कैरियर as a doctor डॉक्टर या मेडिकल फील्ड में देख रहे हैं तो Cambridge group of Nursing and paramedical COLLEGE आपकी पूरी मदद करेगा। एक ऐसा विश्वसनीय संस्थान जिसने अब तक हजारों बच्चों को सही करियर चुनने में मदद की है और उनका कैरियर बनाया है

Best Pharmacy college in Bahraich What do you want to study?

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Alumini Testimonials

  • "My experience at CINPC College is great and memorable. The mentors at CINPC College helped us enhance my academic and interpersonal skills. I am thankful to Training & Placement cell for providing a platform to enhance my skills and an opportunity to showcase them

  • Best Pharmacy college in Bahraich, proudly Recommended

  • “It was a great experience studying at CINPC College, a memory to cherish for lifetime. My experience at CINPC was full of learning and grooming. Being a global university It gave me an opportunity to meet different kind of people from around the world and learnt many things from them. I am thankful to all the faculties, mentors and entire SET department for providing us with quality education.
